Wednesday, October 10, 2012

'Moonlight' is the word for Moonlight

Sun September 23rd 2012 
hi Adena,
I was in the studio yesterday trying to understand what I want from this work. What my body is doing in the space.
I feel like its not about making the body alien but about annihilating it. 'I am Lauren, but less and less.' (the last page of 'The Body Artist'), stripping it of vanity and meaning, making it hollow.... and this is where the real violence is; this shutting down of the body, disconnecting from the comforts of knowing something or someone.
And I feel like the key to finding this is duration.... just a few movements, that are sustained long enough to go past meaning to allow the true weight of my body and time (and silence?) to exist in the space. I think this is a very hard task and on Friday i felt myself pull back from it maybe because  I felt some need or desire to entertain and it felt useless, just me performing tricks.... I don't want to make performance like that. Just need to keep digging deeper in....
b xx

'Moonlight' is the word for Moonlight is a new work looking at 'The Body Artist' by Don Delillo. These are extracts from the first stage development in September 2012. Performed by Brigid Jackson and Dan Shlusser, directed by Adena Jacobs with sound by Kelly Ryall.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This is - Of the Other

Before we begin... I wanted to tell you about a boy I saw in the street holding his nose yelling 'I can't breathe! I can't breathe!'
I wanted to tell you how the sun is so much sharper in Tasmania; because of a hole in the ozone layer. I wanted to tell you that you were wrong about me being brave.
I wanted to tell you that your being here makes things quite complicated.
I wanted to tell you about my body shrinking, but I didn't really want your advice.
I wanted to tell you to sit still. I wanted to tell you about the feeling of her skin under my hand.
I wanted to tell you so that I wouldn't forget.
I wanted to tell you to think less and watch more t.v.
I wanted to tell you that your passive agreement to everything I'm doing makes me feel sick.
I wanted to tell you about this terrible foreboding I had.
I wanted to tell you my dreams, but I know that you hate that.
This is- of the Other was created and performed by Brigid Jackson and Georgie R at La Mama Theater in April 2011. Image by nick stevens

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Into / Out of Me (live works 2010)

Into/ Out of Me was performed at Performance space Sydney as part of Live Works 2010.
Sound By Ben Cittadini
With support from Georgie, Ben Cittadini and Craig Pead.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Into/Out of Me

I am young. I am white. I am heterosexual. I do not associate with any religion. I am not fat. I am not poor. I live in a first world country. I am educated. I have no physical disabilities. I thought I was untouchable.


I stated to notice just how close my veins are to the surface of my skin. I wondered why this was so; surely this is a major design fault, that access to the blood is so easy.


I thought I was an angel and I was falling and it was beautiful. 

I think I am burning. I think I am an inferno. My body is fraying. I am exhausted. My skin stings. My lungs collapsed beyond repair. My wounds ache. My membranes hold the messages of a humanity that gropes and strokes and caresses and pierces. My organs swallow mankind’s stares till they are drunk and bloated and then vomit into my veins. My nostrils are dry from breathing air that is borrowed and tastes like dust. There is no space between us.

I thought I was an angel and I was floating. I thought I was an angel and I was falling.

The first development of Into/Out of Me took place in september 2009 at Performance Space Sydney due to the support and friendship of the amazing Georgie.

Dirty Dancing

This short dance work was performed at Smith Galleries in July 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

crafty stuff

This doll was made with my hair by my hands
sleeping beauty?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009